Matthew Seidenberg

Matthew Seidenberg

Mr. Matthew Seidenberg is a Director of Compliance and Operations at Vigilant Compliance, LLC. Over the past decade at Vigilant, Matthew has worked on various functions around Compliance Programs, including developing, testing, and monitoring the programs of Investment Advisers, Registered Investment Companies, ETFs, Hedge Funds, Broker/Dealers, and Private Equity Funds. Matthew has also conducted and participated in compliance/due diligence reviews of Registered Investment Advisers, Fund Administrators, Custodians, Distributors, Transfer Agents, and Anti-Money Laundering Agents.

Matthew also oversees Vigilant’s Financial, Operational, and Cybersecurity processes. In his oversight of Vigilant’s Operations, Matthew is responsible for supervision of the Company’s procedures and Cybersecurity program. Matthew also oversees the Firm’s Financial Operations, including managing the Firm’s Financial planning in conjunction with Senior Management.

Matthew received his Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Wilmington University. Matthew received his Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Justice from Rowan University and a Paralegal Certification from Villanova University School of Law.

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Call Matthew 484-840-3704