Terry Wettergreen
Terry Wettergreen
Ms. Terry Wettergreen has over two decades of experience with two Registered Investment Advisers and their publicly traded Mutual Funds and private institutional clients. Terry served as Vice President, Treasurer (Chief Financial Officer), and Secretary for the Westport Funds, from their inception in 1997 through their reorganization in 2016. She was responsible for selecting and supervising the Funds’ outsourced back-office operations, coordinating and planning Board of Trustees meetings and, as Chief Compliance Officer for both Advisers, maintaining the firms’ Compliance program.
For the Institutional side of the Advisers business, Terry oversaw Client Servicing, Operations, Portfolio Analysis and Compliance. She led the Advisers Response Team to Security and Exchange Commission (“SEC “) Examinations and interfaced with SEC staff while on site. She developed the Advisers’ Compliance Policies and Procedures Manual and was responsible for proactively updating the program as mandated by ever-changing governmental rules and regulations. Terry also oversaw the Advisers’ in-house IT function, selecting and interfacing with outsourced IT consultants; she coordinated the update of the firms’ entire system several times during her tenure.
Terry received both her Undergraduate Degree in Marketing and her Masters in Finance from Fairfield University. She holds FINRA Securities Licenses including Series 6 (limited Securities Representative) and 63 (Uniform Securities Agent).