Vigilant’s experienced professionals have extensive knowledge in Investment Adviser, Broker-Dealer, Mutual Fund, Private Equity, and Cybersecurity compliance, risk, and technology. Vigilant provides insights on best practices, trends, and industry news. Our blog consolidates all SEC, Vigilant, and industry-specific compliance alerts, white papers, articles, etc., to help you stay informed and find the information that you will need and find useful.


2013 MFDF Directors’ Institute

December 21, 2012

Updated: This event is now passed, if you would like to register for similar events, visit the MFDF website or[...]

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Vigilant, the Global Compliance Leader, Announces the Opening of its London Office

October 20, 2012

October 1, 2012. Vigilant Compliance, LLC Announced today that it has opened a new Office in London, U.K. “This is[...]

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Vigilant Announces the Opening of its Boston Office

October 20, 2012

Vigilant Compliance, LLC announced on October 1, 2012 that it has opened a Boston Office. Vigilant, the largest Outsourced CCO[...]

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